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About Tuition Fees

•  For new students, the First Tuition must be paid in full before the first session.

•  For continuing students, succeeding Tuition Fees are due on the FOURTH SESSION OF EVERY MODULE (before the next module starts).

•  Tuition Fees and Registration Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE.

About Pattern Packets

•  Each student must have his/her own pattern packet. Duplicating and sharing are not allowed.
•  Each pattern packet is good for approximately 9-10 months of continuous enrollment.
•  Includes a directions booklet with full sized & multi-sized patterns (Kids: Size XXS - XL. Teens/Adult: Misses 6-24)

•  Patterns, if used carefully and stored neatly, may be used again by the student.

•  Replacement for lost or damaged patterns will be charged an extra fee.
•  Pattern Packets may not be returned and are non-refundable.

About Classroom Set-up

•  Each class is limited to 5 students only

•  A class may be opened for at least 3 students unless it's on special arrangement.

•  Sewing machines and basic sewing tools are provided. Do not bring your own.

•  Students should bring their own fabric and notions (thread, buttons, elastic, ribbons, etc.).

•  ABSOLUTELY NO COMPANIONS ALLOWED inside the studio while classes are going on. Sit-in is not allowed.

•  Students may bring drinking water and a light non-messy snack.

•  NO COMPUTER DEVICES ALLOWED in class. We are not to be held responsible for loss or damage to the student's valuables.

•  Cell phones are to be put on silent mode and put away during class time.

•  Students are given a 5 minute clean-up time before class is dismissed.

About Class Schedules

•  Regular classes are for one (1) hour once a week (for kids and teens).

•  Students should arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before class and must be promptly picked up as soon as they are dismissed to give way to the next class.

•  Students who are not picked up promptly are to wait outside the studio especially if there is another class after. The studio space is limited so please arrange for a prompt pickup.

• A class may be suspended due to inclement weather. Suspended classes will be carried over to the following week. 

•  Tuition Fees will not be pro-rated for canceled classes due to bad weather (typhoon signals). 

About Absences and Makeup Classes  

•  Each student is given up to a MAXIMUM of 3 MAKEUP EXTENSIONS ONLY (30 minutes each) to replace her missed classes.

•  A Makeup Extension is a 30-minute extra time before or after the scheduled class. Each extension makes up for 1 absence. Only three (3) makeup extensions may be given even for absences that exceed three.

•  Makeup Class Extensions are usually scheduled on the first session of each month (or to be announced and arranged with parents), available to those who have absences to make up.
•  If a student does not come on time or misses her makeup class, her makeup class is automatically marked as used.

•  Makeup Classes may not be deducted from tuition fees not transferred to another student.

•  If a student drops her enrollment, unused make-up classes will be forfeited.


About Lessons and Homework

•  The lessons on the pattern packet increase in complexity, from simple to more challenging. A project can be completed in

3 to 4 classes depending on the student's age and work pace.

•  Works in progress may not be taken home. All projects must be done in class.

•  Homework is not required. However, the student will have to go shopping for fabric and notions needed for the

next projects. This can be done all at once for all the upcoming projects, or shopping can be done as lessons are presented. This is a good opportunity to develop the student's taste and preference as they find what is available in the market.

•  Each student can work independently and according to their own pace. If a student completes a project ahead of the others, he/she can proceed to the next. 

•  Students are encouraged to express their creativity and add fashionable finishing touches to their projects.


About Off-Site Activities

•  Depending on the number of participants, a Fashion Show may be held at the end of the school year to showcase the kids' works on the runway in front of parents and friends. This is an optional activity for current students. 

•  Sew Easy For Kids joins fundraising events such as Christmas bazaars and sewing-for-a-cause activities so the kids can put their sewing skills to good use and learn how to give back to the community. A letter will be sent to parents about any scheduled off-site activity. 

•  Joining these activities is optional and not a requirement.


Photos and Videos

•  All photos and videos taken inside the sewing studio are owned by Sew Easy and may be used for its promotion and advertising efforts on social media, print, television, internet, and other media placements. Names are always withheld for the students' privacy and publishing these materials is always with Sew Easy's discretion.


Note: Sew Easy For Kids reserves the right to change the content of this page without prior notice.

Important Reminders for Kids/Teens

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