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1. Adult Modules should be taken in succession (e.g. 2 consecutive Wednesdays).

2. All students MUST attend the First Day. Introductory Lessons are presented on Day 1. Please make sure before you sign up that you are available on the scheduled dates.

3. Tuition Fee Balance payment must be PAID IN FULL BEFORE CLASS STARTS (bank deposit is encouraged). We are strictly on a "No Payment, No Class Instruction" policy.

4. There are absolutely NO MAKE-UP CLASSES for Adult Modules. Missed classes are automatically forfeited.

5. Absences for medical reasons may be reconsidered upon submission of an official doctor's certificate. In which case, a portion of the class tuition fee may be credited to the student and applied to the succeeding module.

6. Classes start ON THE DOT. Please be on time or come 5 minutes early. If you come earlier than that, please wait outside the studio, not inside, especially if a class is still going on.

7. Projects presented have been estimated to be completed by an average beginner within the prescribed schedule. If a student needs more time and will require an extension or an additional class, additional fees apply.

8. Be prepared to come to class with your own fabric and notions. The studio has some limited supplies in stock that students can use for a fee.

9. Manuals, patterns, and unfinished projects are kept in the studio for as long as the student is enrolled unless homework is required. Finished projects and own materials are sent home.

10. Absolutely NO COMPANIONS ALLOWED (non-students, children, pets, etc.) in the studio while classes are ongoing. Companions will have to wait outside or in nearby shops/restaurants.

11. No food and drinks allowed during class except for drinking water.

12. Cellphones must be put away on silent mode during class. This is a good time to step away from your usual grind and enjoy some "ME" time. If you must, please take your calls outside.

13. If you wish to continue to the next level, please be ready to secure your reservation so that your slot can be held for you.

14. Snapshots may be taken inside the studio but please ask beforehand in consideration of other students.

15. All photos and videos taken inside the sewing studio may be used by Sew Easy for its promotion and advertising efforts on social media, print, television, internet, and other media placements. Names are always withheld for the students' privacy and publishing these materials is always with Sew Easy's discretion.

Note: Sew Easy reserves the right to change the content of this page without prior notice.

Important Reminders for Adults

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